Creampie Lover Ch. 01

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The title of this story is the last thing I would have ever thought about when I was growing up masturbating to pictures in Playboy and Penthouse. I had heard all the stories about what masturbation causes, but like everyone else I kept on doing it because it felt so good. When I shot my first load of cum, I thought I had arrived. However, remember how careful we were not to touch any of it. I always shot off on toilet paper, Kleenex or even a dirty sock as need be.

By age seventeen I was still a virgin, but was clumsily chasing after any girl who would talk to me. Being naturally shy and not confident had many disadvantages. I always seemed to stumble over my words when trying to engage a young lady in conversation. I had a nucleus of guy friends and we bragged about the pussy we were getting. I think everyone knew the others we also lying. The real studs who seemed to be so confident rarely bragged about sex. They just hung out with their girlfriends.

When I did finally get girls to go out with me, I was a nervous wreck trying to figure out how far to go with the necking and petting. I was eighteen when I got my first pussy. Brenda (last name withheld) went to a basketball game with me and we stopped off at lovers lane and began getting it on. I felt her breasts and she did not stop me. She felt my hardening cock, so I reached my hand under her skirt and felt up her legs to her pretty pink panties. I kissed her as I reached for her hairy pussy.

She shocked me by reaching under her dress and pulling off her panties and pulling her dress up. The light was poor, but I could still see the outline of her trimmed bush. She reached for my belt buckle and began to remove my pants. I got out of my pants and underwear while she laid back in the car seat and extended her arms to me. I climbed aboard and tried to stick my five inch hard cock into her pussy. Not having any experience, I fumbled trying to insert it into her and the sensation of the hair around her pussy was enough friction to make me shoot my cum harmlessly onto her pussy and lower stomach.

I groaned as I shot my load. Brenda shouted, “Oh, my god, what are you doing?” I was so shocked that I began apologizing profusely. After she settled down she asked me if that were my first time. I reluctantly confessed that it was. She said not to worry about it, that it was understandable. Then she shocked me again by saying, “Anyway, help me clean myself up.” I had an old tee shirt in the back seat and that was all I could think of. I reached it and handed it to her. She looked at me and said, “No, silly, I said help me clean this up.” I wiped her cum covered parts as best I could while she felt to see if I had got everything off. She wiped some cum off her fingers onto the shirt and asked me to feel if she had any more cum on her.

I was conflicted about touching her bare pussy and she scolded me saying, “Feel around and see if you left any, it is not going to burn you.” She felt herself and scooped some off her pussy lips. Our hands met and I felt the slick deposit on her fingers. She told me that next time we would be more careful and get in the back seat. I wiped the cum on my socks like it was radio-active.

When I kissed her good night, she groped my cock and told me to call her the next week. And that was my first girlfriend and my first pussy. I slowly learned the proper techniques with Brenda’s expert tutelage. I remember always trying to pull out before I came in her pussy and I guess we were lucky for she never got pregnant. Of course she might have been on the pill and I just didn’t know it. After the first time I always came prepared with a towel or rag to shoot my load into and also clean up any accidents. We dated until we graduated from high school and then went our separate ways.

My first year of college was tough in many ways. I was still not overly confident about my experience and I knew that my cock was not large enough to attract some women. I was not ugly by any means, but I was a semi-nerd and studied a lot. Some of the girls I dated were classmates and also semi-nerdy. They were fun intellectually but I often missed the straight up sex with Brenda. These girls were no sure lay and seemed to be more interested in social interaction, studying and escort şişli just hanging out.

I met my future wife, Cynthia, in the late spring of my freshman year. She is five-five and has a great figure. He breasts are full her waist small and her ass is somewhere between sexy and voluptuous. She is a deep brunette with a very light almost white complexion. The contrast between her dark brunette hair and her gleaming skin makes her noticeable to everyone in a room.

We started off socially and progressed to heavy petting. Cynthia was not a virgin, as I later found out, but she was sensitive to proper behavior and was very reserved. As we warmed to each other, we had exchanged some touchy feely foreplay, but had not gone all the way. We left for summer break unfulfilled, but horny as hell.

Back at college for fall semester, Cynthia and I picked up about where we left off in the spring. We had talked on the phone over the summer, but we were both working part time jobs and could not travel. I sensed on our first date that she had a little more fun that summer than I had experienced. She seemed more at ease about guiding my hands to her breasts and ass. I did not reach her pussy the first night, but she pulled me on top of her and we dry humped until I came in my pants. She knew exactly what had happened and seemed sincerely apologetic that she had made me cum. Cynthia said, “If you are as horny as I am, we might as well go all the way.”

The very next night she invited me to her apartment off campus. I was a dorm dweller and had a roommate. When I got there, she said that her roommate was out and would not be back anytime soon. We shared a beer from her fridge and made some small talk. Finally, Cynthia took the beer can and placed it on the table and then extended her hand to me. I took it and followed her to her bed. She sat down and began unbuckling my jeans. When I stepped out of them, she felt my rapidly hardening cock. She then stood up and pulled my shirt over my head and her blouse over her own head. She was not wearing a bra. Her breasts were very full and set high on her chest. She was a full C cup with the most beautiful nipples and areolas. They were a pretty blush pink. Her areola was distinct against her milky white breasts. Her nipples were as hard as pencil erasers. She guided my quivering lips to first one and then the other nipple. I sucked and licked like a starving man. She let out a soft moan as she continued to feed my hungry mouth with her soft womanly flesh.

She undid her shorts and stepped out of her tiny pink thong. Her pussy was shaved except for a very small sliver of a landing strip well above her opening. She sat back on the bed and pulled my underwear down and began to suck my hard five inch cock. She was able to take my whole cock into her mouth and still lick my balls with her tongue. I was just trying not to cum in her mouth, but I just exploded into her without warning. She swallowed my whole load. As I began softening in her mouth, she pulled back and stood up. She then blew my mind by giving me a sloppy French kiss. I was reluctant, but she was persistent.

Cynthia, stepped back, smiled at me and asked if I liked my fall semester get acquainted present. I was still conflicted about tasting my own cum, but I told her it was hot as hell and I loved it. She said, “Good, now that you got yours, you can make me cum with your mouth until you can get it back up again.”

I had never eaten pussy before and I think she sensed it. She lay down and spread her legs across the bed and guided my face to her dripping pussy. I licked her moist slit and was very pleasantly surprised at how good she tasted. I think she knew that I had never sucked pussy before, for she started a running commentary. As I licked her, she began to moan, “Oh, yes, lick my hot cunt. Stick your tongue into me. Oh, yes, guide your hot tongue up and down my sloppy pussy. Eat me, suck my cunt.” This was the first time I had been that intimate with anyone. I was getting more and more into this new art of cunnilingus. She instructed me step by step until she made me place my lips over her hard clit. It protruded bigger than any clitoris I have ever seen since. It was amazing. As she guided my face escort taksim and lips, I began sucking and she began bucking her hips. It was almost like she was fucking my mouth with her hard girl cock. As she came, she tensed and grabbed the bed sheets on each side of her and grunted. She tensed and then relaxed and started fucking my face again until she screamed her impending orgasm.

She alternated between fucking my mouth and squeezing my ears. She wrapped her legs around my head and urged me to “Lick my hot pussy, stud.” As she relaxed she held my face to her pussy and slowly ground herself all over my face. She was cumming a profuse amount of love juice and rubbing all of my face into her swampy pussy. As she continued to relax, she pulled me up to her body and kissed me deeply. She said, “I just love to taste my cum on your face and in your mouth.”

After resting awhile, she started sucking my cock again until I was hard enough to penetrate her.

She rode me cowgirl style and began a slow but aggressive humping motion. She would pull herself off my cock and then slowly lower herself back down. With each stroke she fell a little faster and harder until I was ready to cum again. She pushed my shoulders a back and said,”Don’t you dare cum until I get mine.” However, she knew that I would have no staying power, so she reached her finger to her hard clit and rubbed out another shattering orgasm. I came into her pussy while she was moaning and finger fucking herself.

Afterward, Cynthia seemed very matter of fact and asked if I had enjoyed myself. I assured her that that was the best sex I had ever had. She smiled and told me, “You’re welcome; I had a great time also.”For the next few months, sex was great between us. She was definitely the leader and clearly the most experienced. I became accustomed to kissing her after she gave me a blow job. Sometimes we just had oral sex. Gradually it dawned on me that she could not cum from straight fucking, but required either my mouth, my fingers or her fingers to get her off. There was no question that she reached multiple orgasms, but just not from my cock. I began questioning my ability to give her an orgasm. However, the sex was so good that I was afraid to bring the subject up.

We were in different major fields and both spent a great amount of time studying. We did not fuck much on weeknights and I looked forward to the raw weekend sex. We occasionally went to dinner together and then parted to go back to studying.

I went home one weekend and we did not have sex for two weeks. When we did get back together, we were both horny and went after it as usual. She mostly wanted oral sex and I was willing to oblige. Finally, one night after sex I asked her why she loved oral sex so much, both giving and receiving. She looked a little nervous and was evasive. This aroused my curiosity and I pressed the issue. Finally, she kissed me and then looked me in the eyes and said, “Honey, I love sex with you, but I can’t get off on just your cock.”

Then instead of letting it go like that, I made the fatal mistake of asking her if she had ever cum from just straight sex. She was a little reluctant to answer and I pressed her again. She said, “Well, yes, but his cock was way bigger than yours.” I was dumbstruck. I knew that she was not a virgin when we met, but she was not a slut either. After some coaxing she admitted that she had sex with her high school boyfriend over the summer. She said that he was a jerk and selfish, but that he had a big cock and looked good naked.

That was about all my manhood could stand and I left her apartment shortly afterward. My world had crashed and I was unsure about how to handle this. After brooding for a week and not answering Cynthia’s phone calls, I finally decided to see if there was anything left of our relationship. I returned her call and she asked me to meet her for a drink.

I got to the bar and grill before she arrived and got us a booth. When she came in it was awkward. She kissed me on the lips and told me she loved me. We discussed her revelation of her fucking her old boyfriend. Cynthia scolded me for not talking to her all week. I was angry that she was treating this so matter of factly. Finally escort mecidiyeköy she asked if the months of companionship and then hot sex had not had any bearing on our relationship and trust. I was stunned that she turned this all on me. I told her that if I was unable to satisfy her sexually that it was probably better that we break it off then.

Cynthia looked me dead in the eyes and said, “If that is what you truly want, then okay, but the fact is that you do satisfy me sexually. I have the most intense orgasms when you make me cum with you mouth or even your fingers. I don’t know what else you expect. We are hot together and make each other cum.” She said that we were friends before we were lovers and she could not understand how telling of a sexual past event should have such an impact on our friendship.

I was near tears as she got up and kissed me again, then left the bar. I finished my drink and then went back to my dorm room where I did actually shed a few tears into my pillow. The next morning I got up and went to classes. I started feeling more normal as the day wore on. This went on for two weeks. I was turning my emotions inward and concentrating on my classes. This helped tremendously, but by the second weekend, I was beginning to have sex withdrawal. I wanted to see her but my feelings of inadequacy were keeping me back.

Saturday evening, out of desperation, I drove over to her apartment and knocked on the door. She was not there. I was hoping that she was studying or out with her roommate. I went back to my dorm and just hung out.

Sunday morning she called me and told me that one of her neighbors had seen me knocking on her door. Of course I felt stupid then. She asked if I finally wanted to talk. I agreed to go over to her place. When I got there, we went to her bedroom to talk in private. She said that she was really upset over my attitude. She thought that I had wanted to break up with her until she found out that I had come to her apartment. Then she shocked me by telling me it was about time I quit feeling sorry for myself and either moved on from the relationship or deeper into the relationship.

I asked her where she was on the night before and she said that she was out with her girlfriend, her boyfriend and a friend of her boyfriend’s. I asked if this was like a double date. Cynthia said that it was sort of like a get acquainted date. She had told her roommate that I had broken up with her. After a week or so, her roommate suggested that she start dating. Cynthia did not tell the roommate what had happened. She said that all sexual matters should be between the lovers only. I was so relieved that she had not put our business on the street, so to speak.

Cynthia told me that my cock size had nothing to do with my manhood. She said that seeing her old boyfriend over the summer had made her remember why they had broken up. She said he was a narcissistic jock who looked at women as servants. She said that the basis for our relationship was mutual respect and friendship.

She did say however that her transformation sexually after experiencing the first year away from home was invigorating. She said that she never felt more alive when our relationship turned physical and she was actually the aggressor sexually.

I was afraid to ask her if she had had sex with anyone since we broke up. I wanted to know, but not really. She shocked me back to reality when she said, “If you are ready to move into our relationship further and not out of it, how about a blowjob.”

I was reluctant, but threw my feelings aside and smiled at her. She removed all my clothes and pushed me back on the bed. She sucked my little cock and licked my balls all over. When I came in her mouth, I was pretty much over my pity party. She milked my cock with her lips and then moved up and started French kissing me. I had become accustomed to tasting my cum in her mouth. I no longer cringed when she did this.

When I started reaching for her breasts, she exclaimed, “Oh, no, buddy. You go home and start thinking about resuming our relationship on the basis of friendship and trust.”

That is how we became such good friends, lovers and finally marriage partners.

However Cynthia being the born leader built up my self-esteem by accentuating the positive parts of my personality. We respected each other’s intellectual ability. Eventually we graduated and she went to law school. I am a high end IT person. We both make good money. We work hard and play hard. It was Cynthia who loosened me up after our initial crisis.

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